Friday 27 June 2014


Hello teacher and classmates, today I am tell you about my holidays plans

 In first place, I going to sleep too much. I will arrange my room, make my bed well, visit some friends and family. I going to resume my exercises at least 2 times at week.  Also, I want study some things about electricity and computation  I have postponed.
I wish travel far away but I have not money and I doubt that works soon. I going to travel surely to snowy mountains near Santiago between two or four days. I would like travel to that place because I practice mountaineering and I could not get out of Santiago, I was too busy by univesity, and I miss rest and distract me with landscapes and nature.

I would like travel with my friend, we are organizing our times to select a day.

The perfect holidays for me are relaxed and it include know  new places, but the most important for me is at end of holidays  I will not have many things to do, otherwise I will be stressed and and I can not enjoy my this one.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Brazil and the World Cup

Hi, I going to tell you about Brazil and the World Cup

Brazil is a very big country in South Americ, it have around 8.500.000 Km2 and more than 200.000.000 peoples.Its government takes the form of a federal republic led by a president, at present her is Dilma Rousseff. 

Currently, Brazil is an economic power in Latin America, but have some social problems, for example; the poverty, which is around 30% of the population, partly caused by the unequal distribution of wealth. Or crime, it makes some sectors called Favelas very dangerous, controlled by drug traffickers. Favelas are  precarious house built illegally with few basic services, exemplifying the segregation of the country.

I hate football because it is occupied as a means of social control by political "bread and circuses for the people". Also, it sport don´t like me because is controlled by a mafia organization, the FIFA, and finally because is given too much importance to it sport on mass media, overshadowing other facts and doing stupid people. 

Consequently, the World Cup for me is one of the worst things in the life and though I can recognize that it is good for people to be united and be cheerful, I think it should be for other reasons and that the World Cup is harmful for everyone. For example, the  last year the government of Brazil wanted to close a school to make the parking lot of a stadium. The people do not have food or safety, but the government spends more than US$

I have no idea of who will win (I hope that Chile will lose out soon), but I think it will be a combination of training, luck and intelligence.


Friday 6 June 2014

Lev Vygotski

     Hello classmates and teacher.

     Today I am going to tell you about one important person in psychology, Lev Vygotski. He was born in 1896, in Sovietic Republic. He studied medicine and law in Statal University of Moscow and returned  to his native village to teach psychology and literature. He was an active intellectual in his área  on the context of Russian Revolution and he participated in many teaching centers and community initiatives.
     In 1919 he got sick of tuberculosis and he suffered many relapses in the rest of his life.
He married in 1924 and had two children. Finally in 1939 he died after finish the ultimate chapter of his book “thought and speech”.

     Lev Vygotski worked in some topics. The center of his work is the human development. He did  research with childrens and he discovered that the main is cooperation and it needs to of development function well. A child can learns a lot more and improve his skill if is helped by an adult or other children.
     He also studied psychology of art, the importance of children`s game, etc.

     I like him because he studied very interesting topics for psychology and pedagogy and he made his work  from a new perspective influenced by marxism and psychoanalysis giving an important role to social interaction.